Steel ropes

LLC "Electromash" supplies Steel ropes wholesale

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Steel ropes are wire products made by coiling. The cable is part of the rigging that carries the weight of the load. Such products are used in shipbuilding, water transport, automobile transport, energy, coal, ore, oil, etc. Many types of ropes are produced depending on the tasks performed.


We offer the following types of ropes for delivery:

By the structure of the cable:
  • Single – consist of separate wires, intertwined in a spiral-concentric layers (one or more). A rope made of round threads in one layer is called spiral or strand. From a profile (Z- / omega-shaped, wedge-shaped section) wire – closed type.
  • Double – made up of strands twisted in layers. These ropes are used alone or serve as a part for stronger ropes – strands.
  • Triple – recruited from several strands, spirally twisted into one layer.
Depending on the type of weaving:
  • PC – point contact of wires between layers. 
  • LC – linear contact of the wire in adjacent layers. 
  • LT-S – linear tangency of the wires between the layers, if the threads in the strands are of the same section. 
  • LC-D – the contact of the wire between the layers is linear with different diameters of the threads in the outer row of the strand. 
  • LT-F – linear touch of the threads between the layers of the strand and the filling wire. 
  • LT-DS – contact along the wire line between layers, inside which there are rows of threads of the same and different diameters. 
  • PLC – a combination of point and linear contact of wires inside one strand
Depending on the material, for the core:
  • OS – organic, when synthetic / natural fiber is placed in the center of the rope or its strands. They use cotton yarn, hemp, sisal, polypropylene, polyethylene, nylon, viscose, lavsan, asbestos. 
  • MD – metallic. A double weave rope is used, consisting of 7 strands or a strand of the same structure as the twist. The core increases the structural strength of the ropes, reduces their elongation during stretching or rising air temperature.

Ropes are made with different strand stranding directions – right and left. With the right direction of the lay (designation Z), the strands go left-up-right, with the left direction (designation S): right-up-left. According to the combination of directions of stranding wires in strands and strands in ropes, one-sided and cross strands are distinguished. In one-sided lay ropes, the directions of wire winding in the outer layer of strands and strands in the rope are the same, in cross lay ropes these directions are opposite.

The National industry produces several dozen types of steel cables. To decide which TSS (The State Standard) should be used in a given situation, this table will help you:

TSS or TS (Technical Conditions)Recommended Applications
ГОСТ 3062-80                +
ГОСТ 3063-80                +
ГОСТ 3064-80           +     
ГОСТ 2688-80+++++     + +++++
ГОСТ 3066-80                 
ГОСТ 3069-80  +         +    
ГОСТ 3077-80 +  + +     +   +
ГОСТ 3065-80   +             
ГОСТ 7665-80 ++          +   
ГОСТ 7667-80    +     +   +  
ГОСТ 7668-80+  +   +++   ++ +
ГОСТ 7669-80   ++            
ГОСТ 14954-80          +      
ГОСТ 16853-88               + 
ГОСТ 3090-73     +     +     
ГОСТ 7675-73     +     +     
ГОСТ 7676-73           +     
ГОСТ 18901-73     +     +     
ТУ 14-4-1394-86                +
ТУ 14-4-1502-88        +        
ТУ 14-4-1136-81        +        
ТУ 14-4-1165-82                 
ТУ 14-4-1552-89   +    +        
ТУ 14-4-1291-84        +        
ТУ 14-4-788-77   +             
ТУ 14-4-496-74   +             
ТУ 14-4-438-73   +             
ТУ 14-4-121(122)-76                +

Note 1:
1 – lifting;
2 – lift;
3 – hoist rope;
4 – mine vertical lift;
5 – mine inclined rise;
6 – rope guides;
7 – brake ropes;
8 – balancing ropes;
9 – for suspension of equipment during driving;
10 – excavators;
11 – road cars;
12 – overhead cable cars and cable cranes;
13 – traction;
14 – blast furnace skip;
15 – metallurgical cranes;
16 – Well rigs;
17 – ship’s lift.

Note 2: The use of cables indicated in the table is for guidance only.

The choice of ropes for specific operating conditions should take into account: the type of ropes, their design and characteristics, for example:

  • Single lay round wire ropes have increased rigidity, therefore they are recommended to be used in areas where tensile loads on the rope prevail: lightning protection cables of high-voltage power lines, fences, guy wires, etc.
  • Double lay ropes with linear tangency of the wires have a relatively high performance and have a variety of designs, which makes it possible to choose ropes for operation at high end loads, with significant abrasive wear, with the minimum permissible ratios of the winding body diameter to the rope diameter.
  • Steel ropes of the LC-D type are recommended for use when exposed to aggressive media, intense alternating bending when working outdoors: on construction and metallurgical cranes, mine hoisting machines, excavators, scrapers, overhead roads, stacker cranes.
  • Steel ropes of the LT-S type are recommended for work in conditions of severe abrasion due to the presence of wires of an increased diameter in the upper layer: as hoisting ropes on ships and elevators, brake ropes on mine hoisting installations, traction ropes on rope-suspended roads, etc.
  • Steel ropes of the LT-DS type are distinguished by a relatively large number of wires in the strands and therefore have increased flexibility. The presence of relatively thick wires in the outer layer of the strands of these ropes makes it possible to successfully use them in conditions of abrasive wear and aggressive media.
  • Double lay steel ropes of the PLC type are recommended to be used when the use of ropes with linear contact of the wires in the strands is impossible due to violation of the established minimum permissible ratios between the diameters of the winding elements and the diameters of the rope wires or when it is impossible to ensure the recommended safety margin.

  • Double lay steel ropes of the PC type are not recommended for demanding and intensively operating installations, as they have a low technical resource. The use of steel ropes of the PC type is permissible for stressed operating conditions, where alternating bends and pulsating loads are insignificant or completely absent: bracing and load protection cables.

The choice of ropes must comply with the recommended ratios between the diameters of the winding elements and the diameters of the ropes, as well as the necessary safety margin to ensure trouble-free operation of the rope. The reliability and durability of ropes largely depend on the material of the core, and ropes operating in aggressive environments also on the use of protective metal coatings and anti-corrosion lubricants. Lubrication of steel ropes is intended not only to protect the metal from corrosion, but also to ensure long-term preservation of the organic core in the rope, to reduce friction and wear of both internal and external wires when the rope is operating on blocks.

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